Wednesday, 29 April 2009

End of April

Well its been a hectic couple of weeks here, so a bit late in posting. We have had some friends staying up here for a long weekend, it was lovely to see them, but it also make you realise how much you miss seeing them, so was a bit down when they went back down to Sussex.

We did, however, re-fenced the paddock, after finding out that Penny is an escapologist and that she seemed to enjoy the farmers field more than her own, although it could of been just her telling the others that she could get out but they couldn't! Anyway, thankfully she hasn't found her way out of the new fencing yet!

The Poly tunnel is now up properly and my partner is chuffed to bits, Ahh yes, friends come up for a break, don't always realise they have to work when they get up here! My Partner on the other hand, is so pleased to have the tunnel up again that he has already got some seeds in there!

We have eggs galore! and a broody hen! not necessary in that order hahahha......we don't want any more hens just yet, so we will make use of our eggs in some way i am sure, as for the Broody hen........well she is sitting on half a dozen Cochin eggs, given to us from another friend of ours, who wanted to hatch some eggs without having to use the incubator this year, so it works out both ways.
The rescue hens have also started laying, so among the lovely white eggs we get the odd dark brown egg too, its nice to see that they have finally settled in.
I have also fixed the fencing for them this hopefully we will be able to grow some vegetable seeds that wont be eaten before they have a chance to grow...blooming hens though....they realised they couldn't get out the side i altered...but found a new way to escape ..... back to the drawing board i guess!

Now i seem to remember i left you all hanging as to whether Rita is Pregnant or not....the out come is...YES Rita is pregnant and has about three and a half weeks to go...But... we are not sure if there is a kid in her or not.
I know that sounds daft, but goats can have "fluid babies"....which means, she will have all the fluid in the sack, but no kid....bit like a phantom pregnancy...I thought i felt a kick, when i held her side, but at the time she was barking at the dogs,(my friend brought her dog with her) so it could of been that i felt...but later on...I am sure i felt a couple of kicks, and Rita wasn't barking at that time...will just have to wait and see i guess
Which brings me on to the next frustrating bit!....the chicks, the ducklings(that we have in an incubator) and the kid are all due the week i am in hospital for surgery on my back...its also the week my parents arrive, typical! i will miss it all!
Mum and dad are coming up for two weeks in all, although the second week they are up to Thurso, so the week they are with me, is the week i am in hospital, and my partner will be at work! so if the birds hatch and the goat kids, you can bet your bottom dollar it will be when no-one is around to help them! so just in case i will have to leave them a list of things to do as well as a list of numbers to case they need help. I am sure they will be ok though.

well off to make a cuppa...anyone want me to make them one at the same time?? ..... no? Ok well i offered!

1 comment:

  1. Just make sure Rita's mobile is charged and has credit on it. She is wily enough to sort everyone else out and call an ambulance if she goes into labour :)
