Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Strange days

Funny, I thought that it was going to be a quiet week this week, thought it would be easier to post a blog note about once a week maybe.
But I was very wrong...it's only Tuesday and its been chaos already....or at least it feels like it.

We had trouble in the garden....the problem was, last year we hatched our first chicks, only 6 of them, but for us it was lovely to see, one died, it was squashed by its mother....the other 5 (3 boys and 2 girls)however, thrived and still are thriving...
but the problem came to light when the hens all came into lay, the two brothers fought, and it got bad, blood every where!
We had no choice, we had to split them up! My partner built a new penned area for the black cockerel(known as BB, short for Bargain Bucket), and we gave him 3 hens to keep him company, the other 3 hens stayed with Beaky, the Orange Cockerel.....first all was well but the hens were restless, they didn't like the change or being separated.... Beaky led them over the wall to the Veg patch, where they kept scratching to theirs hearts content....well till i spotted them and chased them back, this became a game i am sure of it for the birds...i would chase them in at least 4 times a day! it was bad enough keeping them out of the veg beds and stopping them eating the seeds we had planted (thankfully only onion sets garlic and peas, although the rhubarb had also come up, and they had damaged a couple of them)but when they found out where BB was...I was out there even more often keeping the cockerels apart .....again!

Then I heard Rita making one hell of a racket...I remember thinking at the time...whats upset her now....when i went to the sitting room window(the best view of the barn and its open door), i came face to face to face with the twin goats!!
Oh hell they have escaped!
So out i go again...trying to get them into the barn ...which is no mean feat on your own i can tell you....then once in the barn, it was getting them into the pens...Ghillie didn't help! daft dog thought it was a game and herded them back out again Grrr....as i go out to the veg patch to get the goats back in i spy the the chickens in the bed! More grrr!
Goats eventually got the hint, and went to their pen! phew! Chickens, well they carried on for a few days more...until today.
BB went today, no not that way...he has a lovely home with a friend of mine, her cockerel died recently, so BB will be boss of his own flock!

So you would think that would put everything back to normal.....well sort of, I had to get the girls that were with BB back to Beaky....tipsy was fine....i just picked her up and threw her over the wall....Martha was also not too bad..... i had to chase her for about 5 Min's...then finally used the crook of my walking stick to stop her in her tracks and again just picked her up.
No the problem was Bertha...in and out of the trees, in the paddock, out the paddock...all about the houses grrrr after nearly half an hour and a very sore back....i finally got her in!!
All is now quiet and the birds seem a lot happier...but tomorrow is another day!
and of course we will have to plant some more peas!!

All this and there is still the rest of the week to go!! ho hum!

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