Thursday, 19 February 2009


First time and a blogger, it seems to be the thing to do these days, instead of putting everything down in a little book that has a lock and key, see now there's another thing...its open for all to view if i wish, which doesnt bother me, yet if this was a hand written diary, it would be hidden from everyone.
Funny how a computer will change your way of thinking.

Anyway, this is my blog about our life on a smallholding, we have only been doing this a little over a year now, my partner works in construction, and before running this place I was a make-up artist and a skin consultant...funny, I remember family saying how extreme in difference my life is now, I i patch up my jeans, don on some wellies and muck out the goats, instead of my previous life of putting on my make-up, grooming my hair so it was perfect, and dressing fashionable clothes with nice heels!...yes i guess they were is a bit of a difference!!
Going back to the smallholding, well we are up in Aberdeenshire, you know that bit of Scotland that never gets mentions on the weather maps. We have a small bungalow (seems that most of Scotland have bungalows rather than houses) but very little fact its under an acre! so every bit of it has to be used wisely.

We currantly own 3 goats, 5 ducks, 8 chickens, a dog and a cat....but it is still in the early stages

Tomorrow ....or even maybe later today...i will start from the begining, on the life, and how we started....but for now i am off to bed to try and catch up on the lack of sleep i had last night!

Night night

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