Tuesday 30 March 2010

Been a while

I know its been a while since my last blog, but i have been a little busy, although when i came to put it in words ...it doesn't sound like a huge amount.

Any way...Penny gave birth, bless her, she always reminds me of the old maid chicken in the foghorn leghorn cartoon, although she is obviously a goat...anyway she gave birth to a little boy called Bailey (we are using an alphabetical system to name the kids, last year was Alice).

Penny almost looked at me as if to say " see what I can do" She was so proud, and protective...unfortunately, being a boy, he will be fattened for the pot, but that's a bit later on, for now he is a bundle of fun.

Still she has impressed me with her devotion to him and the fact that she is not kicking me so much when I milk her! In fact she is getting more and more amiable with the milking for such a skittish goat...and producing more milk each day.

Tuppence also gave birth, to a strong and healthy girl called Becca, named after my niece ... they share the same birthday...we were given the idea from my mother, although my niece didn't seem very impressed when we told her hahaha

Tuppence's girl is quite a bit bigger than Bailey...and very much more outgoing! in and on everything...we are having so much fun with her.

We put them outside, Tuppence, Penny, Becca and Bailey.

Bailey followed mother everywhere...wouldn't leave her side, but Becca was off exploring..charging round everywhere then she get around the far side of the shelter and call her mother who would come running....only to find Becca would run off again..... you could almost hear Tuppence saying "for goodness sake will you stand still! " I couldn't help but giggle!

They are of course a bit bigger now and both getting the first buds of horns coming through, and so are their characters!

Becca at the back and Bailey in the front...you can just make out Baileys horns.
Besides that, we have had a fire place fitted, ready for the last lot of snow! which started yesterday, nothing settling yet even though we have had a constant blizzard all day today...but the worse is yet to come!
I have also made a necklace to go with my wedding dress, and paper leaves for the wedding, also booked some yurts for the event too
I have been making goats cheese and biscuits, looking at making some cosmetics with the milk, goats milk is very good for you after all and I have been selling items from my website (which is www.thegleefulgoat.co.uk ), holding a try and buy for the site...so people can see and touch the items....and in between all that I am crocheting a baby blanket for my soon to be new niece(my brothers partner is due this next month).
To be honest, i am getting the hits but at the moment not getting as many sales as i would like or need to keep the site working...i need to get out and do some tabletop sales too!
We have a new car or two...well new to us! my partner needed one to get to work, and decided to get me one so i can buy feed and get out and about myself....something we desperately needed after someone vandalised the last car! hmmm now there's a thought...maybe i should get my website put on my car ?
Well i am off to do some more baking, ready for when my son arrives this week...need to feed the workers now don't I? hehehehe

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