Monday, 1 February 2010

New year, new start!

Well.... things are turning around, We bought one new car and put a deposit on another,which we collect on Saturday, and my partner has started his new job last things are looking last! hmm maybe i shouldn't shout too loud just in case!

We have snow again! mind you i love the stuff, but it does cause problems for others driving etc, and it has caused problems for us in the past, being snowed in...not now though...we hope. And the white stuff is a pain for the animals who cant get out yet, well we can put them out, but our goats will only hop over the fence and head back into their nice warm pens in the barn, so its just not worth it. We did lose two birds to the winter, one chicken, Kiev, she was getting on a bit, and one duck, Daphne, who was disabled and a bit on the weak side anyway, so at least we lost the two weakest birds...but still sad, and before you ask, no we didn't eat either of them as they we too flattened by the other birds!

Snow was fairly deep, it was up to the top of my legs in the driveway, this photo is of the white stuff before it really came down, some where in there is my old smarty! the snow has gone but more snow is forecast this week, although i am not expecting it to be heavy.
I do expect it to be heavy in two weeks though, its usually about two weeks after America has it bad that we get we will have to wait and see....but if i am right ... you have been warned hehehe.
There is no chance of buying the field we wanted, the farmer decided he wanted to grow silage on it....why he has decided that, i don't know, he told me he wanted to be a part time farmer, which with the amount of land he has its impossible, not only that he has trouble keeping the cows fenced in. they are always on the road, and the field is just a small one, compared to the rest of the land he has....also today he sprayed shit all over it, so it now stinks to high heaven, also wont lend it to us for the wedding, god knows where everyone is going to park!
Oh well its his field and his choice and i cant do anything to change that.
We have just had a new beautiful fireplace put in, but looks like we wont get much joy in using it much now, we will have to sell and find somewhere that does have land with it, only need around 5 acres...still we will make the most out of it till then.
well i have jobs to do, so better get on with them...bye for now